Summer Days, Starry Nights: An Unexpected Merit

here is a book review i wrote when i was 12 i think
Warning: This review contains minor spoilers:

  Okay, let me get this clear: I did NOT expect this book to be enjoyable at all as I picked it out of the bin. See, I was reading some books for the Red Maple reading program, and the only other book that was available in the library was a book I had already read. I'm not really a fan of "teenage girl novels". Well, I was only judging from the cover and the synopsis on the back, which read:

Reenie loves everything about her family's summer resort, but even she has to admit that things haven't been perfect lately. So when Gwendolyn Cates arrives to teach dance, it seems like the answer to everyone's prayers.
   Gwen is glamorous and cool, and in between dance lessons Reenie begins to see that there is more to life than fishing, campfires and climbing trees. But as the days heat up, she discovers that being a teenager is a lot more complicated than wearing the right clothes or knowing the right songs. Ready or not, she is about to have the most unforgettable summer of her life. 

Yeah.That doesn't sound very appealing. I read through it anyway, though, because there weren't any other Red Maple books available at the time. However, as I read the book, I found myself invested in the story and rooting for Reenie. The author Vikki VanSickle did an excellent job of setting up the moods of the story, such as the campfire party that Reenie sneaks off to in the middle of the night. That sequence had a very sketchy feeling; it felt like Reenie shouldn't be there. Same goes for the part where she invites famous musician Johnny Skins to Sandy Shores for a party. VanSickle manages to capture an feeling around him that just makes you feel uncomfortable and a little bit nervous. The best part of the story for me, however, was how accurately it depicted the life of being a preteen/young teen, such as the stages of desperately wanting people to treat you like an adult, to realizing that growing up is more painful than you thought it would be when you were a kid.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for! Drumroll, please!

On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate this book...
AN 8!


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