Introduction to Vietnamese Grammar

One of the first things you need to do when learning a language, is having a fundamental understanding of the grammar!

Vietnamese is a SVO language, like English. This means that in a sentence, the order of the words is SUBJECT, VERB, OBJECT. For example,

Ha ăn cơm.
Ha eats rice.

In the example, "Ha" is the subject, "ăn" is the verb, and "cơm" is the object. Pretty simple so far, right? Now, let's talk about verbs.

In Vietnamese, verbs never change their form. There's nothing like, "I am, you are, he is, they are..." The verb always remains the same! Let's use "là" (to be) for an example.

Tôi là - I am
Bạn là - You are
Nó là - Kim is
Họ là - They are

The verb, "là" in this sentence, never changes, no matter what the subject is. In my opinion, this makes constructing sentences in Vietnamese a lot easier than in English!

These are just the very basics, but these facts are useful to know when learning Vietnamese!!!

If anybody has any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment below!


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